Thursday, July 7, 2011

Uncommon Commentary: Gay Marriage in New York

The recently passed gay marriage law in New York is a hot topic and has so many people abuzz with their opinions on the matter. In this post, I won't take sides and say who is right and who is wrong. I will sit neutrally in the middle and just throw some ideas out there.

Here are a few general observations that I've noticed over the years on the gay rights debate among the two opposing factions.

For people who are for gay rights: I notice they want people to agree with them unconditionally and without question and anyone who disagrees are horrible evil, hate-mongering bigots. Why isn't there room for all opinions even those you disagree with?

For people who are against gay rights: I notice that they call unnecessary names, won't listen to another perspective and recoil about any gay topic. Why be disgusted with a person that you have never even had a chance to get to know?

For both those opposed to and for gay rights: Why can't you sit down, talk calmly to each other, share your beliefs without verbally abusing each other? Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you have to hate each other and shut each other out.

I think it is best to have mutual understanding and realize that everyone has a right to disagree, it doesn't make them evil, horrible people if they don't agree with you. After all, no one has a right to force one's beliefs on other people.

If someone doesn't agree with your stance on gay rights, whatever it maybe, leave them alone, stop forcing your beliefs on them, you will likely never change them and they won't change you. You be you and let them be them. Life would be so much easier for all, no matter if they are opposing and advocating gay rights.

Peace and harmony is what we need. There are enough things dividing the human race on so many levels: politics, language barriers, social class divisions, the racial divide, economics, geography, the "us against them mentality" and so much more. Let the madness and meanness stop here. So with that, lets comment and discuss and do it in a peaceful harmonious way. :-)